You can undo, redo, or repeat many actions in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. You can undo changes, even after you have saved, and then save again, as long as you are within the undo limits (By default Office saves the last 100 undoable actions).
Excel For Mac Repeat Formatting
The repeat last action shortcut is one of the best Excel shortcuts available. This action will repeat the last action In Excel. For example, if you implemented a border and yellow fill to a cell, you can implement this shortcut to execute the same format to one or more selected cells.
This shortcut will repeat the last action again, when available. For example if you just applied a border and red fill to one cell, you can use this shortcut to apply the same formatting to one or more selected cells.
Hi - I'm Dave Bruns, and I run Exceljet with my wife, Lisa. Our goal is to help you work faster in Excel. We create short videos, and clear examples of formulas, functions, pivot tables, conditional formatting, and charts.
If you want to format an object to look just like another object without reapplying all of the formatting by hand, use the formatting clipboard. Select the object whose formatting you want to copy and press Ctrl+Shift+C. Then, select the objects that you want to have the same formatting and press Ctrl+Shift+V to paste the formatting. This also works on the slide thumbnails if you have a slide background or theme that you want to copy from slide to slide.
Repeating commands is an important function in Microsoft Excel while working on a worksheet. Using the Repeat the Previous Command in Excel helps to avoid typing and entering the same command or formula on each and every cell of the sheet. There are two ways by which one can repeat a command on an Excel worksheet:
When you select a cell and hit F4, your last action will be repeated. That includes formatting, inserting or deleting rows, and making changes to shapes. In the image below, I highlighted cell A6 in yellow, then selected cell A8 and hit F4. The cell immediately was changed to yellow because it repeated the last thing I did.
It's important to note that F4 only repeats the last single action you took. If you made multiple formatting changes to a cell like fill color, font color, and borders, and wanted to apply those changes to other cells, then the Format Painter is a good alternative. I explain how to use the Format Painter in point #11 in this post.
When Shift+F4 is used, it will use whatever qualifiers (values, formatting, etc.) were last entered into the Find and Replace Window to find the next cell with those criteria. Adding Ctrl to Shift+F4 will make the find go in reverse to locate the previous cell.
For example, let's say you just used the Fill Color menu to change a cell to have a blue background. When you select another cell and press the F4 key, the cell's fill color will be changed to blue. The F4 key just repeats the last action you took.
The copy and paste formatting feature can be used if you have already applied the font/fill color to another cell. Similar to the F4 method mentioned above, you can quickly copy the colored cell and apply the formatting only to other cells.
A keyboard shortcut for Paste Formatting can be created by adding the button to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT). This makes it very fast to copy the cell that contains the color and then only paste the formatting of that cell. The values or formulas in the copied cell will NOT be pasted. Only the formatting is pasted.
Note that you can not just copy and paste the cell. You have to make sure that you copy a cell but only paste the conditional formatting rules in that cell (and not everything else such as the value or the formula).
One thing to remember when using Paste Special to copy conditional formatting is that it will copy all the formatting. So if there is any border in the cells or if the text has been made bold, etc., that would also be copied.
If one of the built-in number formats does not display the data in the format that you require, you can create your own custom number format. You can create these custom number formats by modifying the built-in formats or by combining the formatting symbols into your own combination.
For more information about cell formatting, click Microsoft Excel Help on the Help menu, type worksheet formatting in the Office Assistant or the Answer Wizard, and then click Search to view the topics returned.
Typing or formatting cells of repetitive data can be very boring, but Excel has an Auto Fill feature to make it easier by automatically filling in data for you. We thought we knew Auto Fill, but just found nine surprising and useful tricks.
Auto Fill goes beyond simple incrementing numbers or dates which is what most of us do. Auto Fill can be used for any type of data that fits a regular pattern. Dates are well supported with good options under a little-used menu as well as copying formatting choices.
Auto-fill can also be used to repeat any pattern of data, including the formatting. While for numbers and dates it predicts the data that is coming up, if you want to just repeat an existing pattern, enter the pattern once, select all cells, and click and drag. In the example below, we want each week to be represented by a different color, so we have entered the six colors we want and filled in the cells with the appropriate color. We want this pattern to repeat for the rest of the dates listed, so again we highlight them all, and click and drag from the bottom right corner.
Note:If the [Print Titles] button is locked (greyed out), it may be because you are currently editing a cell or you have chart selected. If the "Rows to repeat at top" spreadsheet icon is locked, it may be because you have more than one worksheet selected within your workbook. To unlock either button, you can also try clicking [File] > "Print" > "Page Setup."
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You can copy the cells that have the formulas and simply paste them as value over them. This will make the formulas go away and you will be left with only the values and the formatting that was originally there.
Sometimes, we want to repeat the last action in Excel while doing calculations. In this tutorial, we will show you the shortcut to Repeat the Last Action in Excel for Windows and Mac systems.
This tutorial explains the basics of the Excel number format and provides the detailed guidance to create custom formatting. You will learn how to show the required number of decimal places, change alignment or font color, display a currency symbol, round numbers by thousands, show leading zeros, and much more.
Number formatting in Excel is a very powerful tool, and once you learn how to use it property, your options are almost unlimited. The aim of this tutorial is to explain the most essential aspects of Excel number format and set you on the right track to mastering custom number formatting.
A custom format is applied to text values only if it contains all four sections.To apply the default Excel number format for any of the middle sections, type General instead of the corresponding format code. For example, to display zeros as dashes and show all other values with the default formatting, use this format code: General; -General; "-"; General
For example, if you type 2.25 in a cell with #.# format, the number will display as 2.3.
All digits to the left of the decimal point are displayed regardless of the number of placeholders.For example, if you type 202.25 in a cell with #.# format, the number will display as 202.3.
Below you will find a few more examples that will hopefully shed more light on number formatting in Excel.
Theoretically, there are an infinite number of Excel custom number formats that you can make using a predefined set of formatting codes listed in the table below. And the following tips explain the most common and useful implementations of these format codes.
The asterisk that follows the currency sign tells Excel to repeat the subsequent space character until the width of a cell is filled. This is why the Accounting number format aligns the currency symbol to the left, number to the right, and adds as many spaces as necessary in between.
And here is another extremely useful, though rarely used formatting tip. If a cell displays both numbers and text, you can make a conditional format to show a noun in a singular or plural form depending on the number. For example:
When there are multiple fields in the Column or Row section, you can repeat group names for all fields in that section (except the last field listed in that section). When there are multiple fields in the Values section, you can also repeat group names for each column or row where values appear.
Hi - I am currently trying to apply conditional formatting to my entire worksheet to show the min and max of each row individually. Is there a way to apply this to the entire worksheet while still keeping each row individually analyzed? I'm hoping I don't have to apply over and over row by row.
As first, add the Repeat command to the Quick Access Toolbar. You can perform various tasks in Microsoft Excel. If you want to know whether the repeat last action command is available or not, check the icon status on the QAT.
To demonstrate the differences between active and inactive statuses, let us see another example. In this picture, Excel highlights the repeat icon so that you can redo the last used command in the active Workbook. 2ff7e9595c